
You can become Tiger Protector -WWF Tiger in Suburbia

WWF made a donation ad about WildLIfe Once Again.

This time they come up with ad to Display A concern On Tigers, A Mighty Wild Cat.

In Ad they are displaying a urban family who are caring a injured tiger.

By this Ad WWF try to bring a notice to a people that we have to take care of Wild Life as much as we can.

They are urging people to donate a money to participate in a work of WWF.

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Advertising Agency: J. Walter Thompson, London, UK
Executive Creative Director: Russell Ramsey
Creative Director: Jaspar Shelbourne
Creatives: James Humphreys, Craig Hunt
TV Producer: Denise Connell, Edmund Thorn
Planner: Chris Bailey
Global Director in Charge: Emma Howath
Account Director: Anna Hall
Senior Account Manager: Sophie Christiansen
Project Manager: Steve Hedge
Media Agency: ARM
Media Planners: Oliver Bertwistle, Tom Parker
Director: Martin Stirling
Production Company: Partizan
Editor: Steve Ackroyd
Sound: Chris Turner


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